Compass Therapeutics, Inc. is committed to developing promising new therapies to address the unmet medical needs of patients suffering from seriously debilitating cancers.

We currently have late-stage investigational medicines in our product pipeline for the treatment of patients with Biliary Tract Cancer and Advanced Colorectal Cancer. Our goal is to provide access to our medicines at the appropriate time and in a manner that is most beneficial to the relevant patient populations. We believe enrollment in our ongoing clinical trials is the safest and most effective way of achieving this goal.

We do recognize that some patients will not be eligible for our clinical trials and may wish to access our products through expanded access. However, at this time, we are not offering expanded access use of our investigational therapies.

We encourage all patients and physicians who are interested in accessing our investigational drugs to visit the clinical trial section of our website to learn about participating in these clinical trials.

Compass Therapeutics, Inc. may revise this expanded access policy at any time. Additionally, the posting of this policy by Compass Therapeutics, Inc. does not serve as a guarantee of access to any specific investigational new drug by any individual patient. Please check back periodically for updates on our Expanded Access Policy.

If you have any questions, please reach out to us at You can find further contact details on our website.